Rhapsody of the Seas (Royal Caribbean Cruise Line)

Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas
Rhapsody of the Seas ofera o experienta de neuitat, indiferent de emisfera. Mergi in largul marii si bucura-te de momente fara stres la Vitality Spa sau la piscina pentru adulti cu acoperis retractabil Solarium. Acest vas este construit, de asemenea si pentru aventura avand un perete de catarare, cazino Royale si spectacole cu musica live si dans. Acum sunt chiar mai multe de indragit la acest vas, fiind nou renovat si completat cu noile tehnologii pe care pasagerii Royal Caribbean le indragesc.
  • Greutate

    78.491 tone

  • Capacitate

    2000 pasageri

  • Lungime

    279 m

  • Latime

    32.2 m

  • An constructie


  • Echipaj

    765 persoane

  • Constructor

    Chantiers de l'Atlantique, Franta

  • Viteza

    22 noduri

Catalogare (stele):


Cost constructie:

275.000.000 $

Inregistrat in:



7.6 m

Total cabine:


Supr. cabinelor (mp):

12.5 mp - 118 mp

Tensiune electrica (V):

110 si 220

Punti accesibile:


Numar Piscine:


Numar Jacuzzi-uri:


Numar Lifturi:


Moneda utilizata:


Puntea 12

Pe puntea 12 se va regasi Restauranul Izumi.

Restaurant Izumi

Restaurantul cu specific asiatic Izumi ofera preparate specifice perecum ton, sushi sau crab. Acest restaurant este disponibil doar pentru adulti si se recomanda o tinuta smart-casual. Deschis pentru cina intre orele 18:00 - 21:00, iar in zilele de navigare este deschis doar pentru parnz intre orele 12:00 - 13:15. Tarif conform meniu a la carte.

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